The Lord invites me to worship him in song, how I spend my time, and what I choose to do with my life. How great is our God, who has no limits? When I get to heaven, the Lord will forever be revealing to me his glory and goodness. I will never lack ways to worship God because there is no end to him.

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Is Worship Just Singing Songs?

Have you ever wondered if there is more than one way to worship Jesus? If yes, you are in the right place. When I was younger, I used to think worshiping God was only when the band was playing music. I thought it was limited to singing and dancing. Yes, this is one way to worship God, but there are so many ways of displaying love for him.

According to my Noah Webster 1828 Dictionary, worship is to honor with extravagant love and extreme submission; as a lover.

Side note: if you don’t have this dictionary, I highly recommend you purchase this one by clicking the link above. Right now you can save $5 on it. I heard about this dictionary from my pastor, and I’m so glad he shared this gem. My whole life, I was under the impression that a dictionary was a book of definitions. I quickly found that dictionaries are not all the same. I linked it above, go check it out.

For me to worship my Savior, I am to honor the Lord. I can honor the Lord in my words and my actions with no limits in my love for him. I am also to lay down my will for my life and submit everything to have the Lord’s will. When I do this, He is faithful to guide me in my life.

For me, this goes far deeper than singing praises to him alone. When I have my heart in sync with my Heavenly Father, my praise through song is so much sweeter. God meets me right where I am and He pulls me into His presence.

The First Way I Worship Is With My Time

The first way I worship Jesus is to spend time with him reading what he has spoken to me. Jesus is the Word and He is God (John 1:1). Through Jesus, I have eternal life (John 14:6). At his crucifixion, Jesus cried out in a loud voice and gave up his spirit. Suddenly, the veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom (Matthew 27:50-51). The veil of the temple separated me from the earthly dwelling place of God the Father. The moment Jesus gave up his spirit, was the very moment his promise to the Samaritan woman at the well was fulfilled. “An hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth” (John 4:23).

I only have this gift of eternal life because Jesus submitted his will to the Father (Matthew 26:39). Jesus gave everything for me to be in fellowship with Himself. It is an honor and a blessing to have this gift of grace. This free gift of grace has given me the desire to show my thanks in worshiping Jesus. 

I live on this side of the cross, and my heart has become the dwelling place for the Holy Spirit. What a blessing it is to have the Wonderful Counselor reside in me and direct my steps. Therefore, I spend time with my creator in worship, reading my Bible.

 The Second Way I Worship Is In My Submission

The second way I worship Jesus is by submitting my will to Him. In the last five years or so, I have weathered many tumultuous storms. In each trial I faced, I resolved to have the Lord lead me into the storm. He held my hand through the hurricane-level winds, and he pulled me into the safety of his loving arms. 

One of my life verses is Joshua 1:9, “Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” When the days have been heartbreaking and soul-crushing, I remember this promise of God that he is with me. What do my trials have to do with my worship? My trials have everything to do with my worship because I have learned to fully trust the Lord. I have faith that He will be my strength in my weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). 

In Joshua chapter 3, the Israelites come to the Jordan River. This was their path to enter the promised land of God. They couldn’t go around it, over or under it. They must go through it. The Israelites knew their opposition on the other side of this river were mighty soldiers. BUT GOD had been preparing their hearts to trust in him.

The presence of God resided in the Ark of The Covenant. The presence of the Lord was to be carried out in front of the people. Who brought up the rear? The soldiers, the warriors. God was showing them His provision and mighty hand. The waters parted, and the Israelites crossed the river on dry ground. This sounds familiar! Just one generation prior, God displayed His glory when He parted the Red Sea (Exodus 14).

Then in Joshua chapter 6, the Israelites marched around the city of Jericho to conquer it. Nothing about their marching was tactical and nothing about their silence was overwhelming to the opposing army. But God was about to work powerfully through their act of worshipful obedience.

For seven days, they marched in silence with the ark of the covenant leading them. After they marched around the city seven times on that seventh day, they gave a large shout. I not only see this as a battle cry but also worship. Through their obedience, the walls came down.

I worship the Lord by submitting to him and having him go before me.  The Lord leads me to victory, and I trust him to protect me. As I pass that through the waters, I know they will not overwhelm me because the Lord is with me. I trust that the Lord will be with me when I pass through the fire, and the flame will not burn me (Isaiah 43:2).

The Third Way I Worship Is In My First Ministry

The third way I worship Jesus is by nurturing my first and most important ministry. This ministry is to be faithful in how I show the love of Jesus. My first ministry is also my greatest blessing: my husband and two beautiful children. God has placed these three people that He loves dearly in my care. How I am with them is a reflection of my love for my Father in Heaven. 

Now I fall short all of the time with my family in demonstrating the fruit of the Spirit. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22). But the Spirit of God is faithful to convict my heart when I am in such sin.

In the Lord’s correction, I rejoice and worship Him. Even after all the mistakes I make, God still chooses to use me. He uses me to minister to my husband and my children. “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise” (Psalms 51:17). 

For more ways I minister to my family, click on this link that will take you to my Mommy and Me blog page.

What Is Worship?

Worship is more than a song; it’s every way I get to show God my love for him. Love is not a feeling; love is a choice I make every day. I choose to show Jesus how much I love him in:

  • The time I devote to him
  • My submission to his will
  • How I love my family

My worship is following in the footsteps of Christ. When I stumble and fail, I cry out for forgiveness and turn from my sin. This is my worship, to seek the Lord in everything I do, think, and say. How are you going to worship the Lord today?

Worship Jesus In Your Spiritual Revival

In my previous post, Return To The Lord With All Your Heart, I share God’s faithfulness. He called me to return to my first love. Click the link, and it will take you directly to the post. I pray it blesses you and encourages you.

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